Ricky Martin Kicks It With the Roots on Jimmy Fallon

Posted February 5, 2011 by J Matthew Cobb in HiDef

On ‘Late Night’, Dana Carvey and Jimmy Fallon brings in the laughs, Ricky Martin with the Roots bring in the funk

High energies were definitely through the clouds for late-night prince Jimmy Fallon on Thursday night. Besides the Roots pumping up the heavy rock with guest guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen and a funny “Remix the Clips” segment, ‘Saturday Night Live’ legend Dana Carvey was in the house and as always, his comedic skills had the audience crying in laughter. He journeyed through dozens of his infamous impersonations, including Regis Philbun and his legendary ‘Church Lady’ character (Isn’t that special!). He even teased the ‘Late Night’ crowd a bit on what’s in store this Saturday night as he returns to his old campground after a  ten year absence  as the host of ‘SNL’ this coming Saturday. Linkin Park will be the evening’s musical guest. Fallon and Harvey also teamed up together for a number of improv short skits. They were ideas that were on the ‘SNL’ drawing board originally but failed to make the cut. In the hands of these two comedic geniuses, the closing skit containing the “Well-Well-Well” cowboy revealed so much promise. It’s going to be quite hard to see ‘SNL’ top this. Well, Linkin Park will be there to rock the house – so ‘SNL’ has a very good back-up plan, in case the skits bomb.

Fallon’s closer featured musical guest Ricky Martin – performing with house band The Roots. After introducing the Latin pop star while holding a 12″ inch vinyl cover of his latest LP, Música + Alma + Sexo. Dressed in all black and working his ‘Livin’ la Vida Loca’ charm on the crowd, Martin leapt into a soulful take of his newest single “The Best Thing About Me Is You.” ?uestlove’s percussive energies and the horns on the pop tune gave Martin’s single that extra “ummph.” Trust us, it was a whole different energy in the room. Much better than when he first premiered it on Oprah last year. It literally felt like a Keyisha Cole track with Nicki Minaj on board; making a whole world of a difference. Oh excuse me, Martin was much better.

Full episode of ‘Late Night’ will be available online until Feb. 20.

About the Author

J Matthew Cobb

Managing editor of HiFi Magazine


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