Ra Ra Riot: Beta Love

Posted March 12, 2013 by in Electronica



1.5/ 5


Genre: , ,
Genre: Indie rock, Indie pop, electronica
Producer: Dennis Herring
Label: Barsuk
Format: Digital download, compact disc
Time: 30:15
Release Date: 22 January 2013
Spin This: "Dance With Me," "When I Dream"


Nice playful medley of sonics, including electronica, New Wave and indie rock, gets the party started


Good songs hardly develop to great songs and melodies are too empty

Beta Love is Ra Ra’s punky Nu Wavey indie experiment

by J Matthew Cobb
Full Article

Beta Love is Ra Ra’s punky Nu Wavey indie experiment

Unlike the Splenda pop that danced its way on the more recent albums of .fun and Owl City – two acts that might come to mind in a compare-and-contrast report of today’s indie rock, Ra Ra Riot’s third LP blends electronica impulses with New York’s indie punk rock. “Come and dance with me/I wanna be your toy,” lead singer Wes Miles sings on the pop-seasoned opening of “Dance With Me.” It’s a cute and memorable line, especially for an album that’s most noted for its playfulness rather than its organization. For example, Devo rhythmic punches highlight “Binary Mind” and Eighties New Wave filter throughout the playful tempo of “I Shut Off.” What a way to kick off a fun party.

Many of the tracks hardly march past the three-minute mark; that’s good for radio and smarter for live performances. Just think of how many of those tracks you could cram into a 45-minute set. But tracks like “Beta Love” and “Angel, Please” lack sharp melodies and hardly soar long enough to make the big impression it should. It’s as if the boys are playing around with these sounds, experimenting to find a new muse (especially on the Beastie Boys-esque sub-dub of “What I Do for U”). Thankfully, “Is It Too Much” and the quasi-Maroon 5 tune “When I Dream” prop the disc up from falling into an abyss of sonic clutter.


About the Author

J Matthew Cobb

Managing editor of HiFi Magazine


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