Posts Tagged ‘donnie mcclurkin’

A Little Too Late: An Open Letter to Kirk Franklin

HiFi's J Matthew Cobb evaluates Kirk Franklin's apology to gay community and says it's not enough


The Rise and Fall of Donnie McClurkin

A best-selling gospel superstar turns into a falling star over his own string of hypocrisies and troubling remarks about LGBT people


Standing On the Wrong Side of History

A Southern city in the midst of a renaissance focuses on love and progress, while a struggling religious network and its pawns with hateful, homophobic attitudes unleashes their fury


Special Report: The Worst Homophobic Churches in America

Enter at your risk: No "Born This Way" memorabilia at these houses of worship


“What’s Done in the Dark” Blog Series: Shedding Light on the Hypocrisies of the Black Church and the Gospel Music Biz

A series of blog commentary focuses on the down-low counterculture and lowdown hypocrisies of the African American church and the Gospel music industry

Y’anna: The Promise

Reality-TV winner and budding gospel star goes indie route, brings in seasoned veterans but lacks the power-packed strong material best suited for big pipes

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