Posts Tagged ‘x factor’

Britney Spears: Work Bitch
In bitchy video, Spears shows that hard work and no play makes Jill a dull girl

Can ‘American Idol’ Be Saved?
The hot question surrounding the Season 12 premiere of FOX's American Idol: Can it turn a new leaf on its looming expiration date?

The Buzzkill in the Ratings War + Cancelled Shows of 2012
666 Park Avenue didn't succumb because of poor quality, it suffered because networks are only interested in the numbers - plus learn who else got the boot

X-Factor’s Stacy Francis Opens Up About Her Affair With Famed Preacher
X-Factor star admits affair with famed preacher; alleges him to be the baby daddy of youngest child

Daily Digest: American Idol, Adam Lambert, D’Angelo, Adam Yauch, more
Idol results & ratings, Lambert’s first No. 1, Rolling Stone‘s MCA tribute, Sir Elton’s show cancellations, D’Angelos’ comeback and the newest celeb squabbles at ‘X Factor’ are just...

Maroon 5 Talks American Idol, New Album
The “Moves Like Jagger” band show off their views on American Idol and opens up about a 2012 album drop