Lady Gaga: The Edge of Glory (Acoustic)

Posted July 20, 2011 by J Matthew Cobb in HiDef

Gaga shows up on the Howard Stern Show and almost leaves the shock jock in tears

Lady Gaga proves her value and credibility with a stunning acoustic rendering of her Top 10 hit “The Edge of Glory.” It’s just her, a piano and soulful struts that pull on a few of Gaga’s ’80’s inspirations like Madonna, Annie Lennox, Stevie Nicks…oh well…you catch our drift. Still, she slays the song in Gaga style to the point where she leaves shock jock Howard Stern and Robin Quivers speechless. In his words, he had this to say about Gaga’s performance: “I really was moved…That was one of the best live performances I ever had on my show in all the years I’ve been here.”

About the Author

J Matthew Cobb

Managing editor of HiFi Magazine


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