Posts Tagged ‘aretha franklin’
Ron Isley: No More
Bittersweet video, smooth single from Isley frontman sets the pace for long-awaited solo project
FREE MIXTAPE: Soul Train Gang Mix Tape
HiFi Magazine designs a spectacular non-stop dance mixtape tribute to the Soul Train Gang
5 Faves: …Just One More Album
What we really could use right about now are 5 comeback albums from 5 incredible faves. We don’t ask for much…or maybe we do. Check out our list of notable mentions.
Aretha Franklin: I’ll Fly Away (Albertina Walker Funeral)
Aretha Franklin “I’ll Fly Away Tribute” The Queen of Soul pays tribute to the Queen of Gospel taped at Albertina Walker Homegoing Service West Point Baptist Church, Chicago, IL Friday, October 15, 2010
‘Glee’ Beats the Beatles ‘Hot 100’ Record
Hit sitcom ‘Glee’ now sits in third-place for the most consecutive appearances on the Billboard Hot 100 survey; surpassing the Beatles.
John Legend & the Roots: Wake Up!
Even for a covers’ album, the timing and craftsmanship of Legend and the Roots’ collaborative effort on Wake Up! proves to be one of the year’s finest