HiFi is Back; Returns to Regular Activity
After months of inactivity, HiFi Magazine returns with a vengenance.
“It’s been a long time comin’/But a change is gonna come” – Sam Cooke, 1964
After a brief absence loaded with unacceptable abandonment of daily posts, reviews and news, HiFi Magazine is back in business.
Expect to see more posts, album reviews, interactive music playlists, the latest album releases and even spectacular CD & DVD giveaways in the next couple of weeks. Beginning today, HiFi Magazine will resume its fiscal responsibilites of providing the very best content to its share of music-loving readers.
HiFi also planning to raise awareness of our affiliate network pages by making special posts on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Special giveways will be announced there, so be sure to follow us on Facebook and Twitter at:
HIFI MAGAZINE Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/hifimagazine
HIFI MAGAZINE Twitter Page: www.twitter.com/hifimagazine