Cage the Elephant: Shake Me Down
Touching story embedded in music video fits Cage the Elephant’s breakout single
Halfway through the music video for Cage the Elephant’s latest single, you start to think maybe, just maybe Cage the Elephant has a kindness for pedophiles, but that concept erases itself as the story unfolds somewhere towards the end. A middle-age man goes through a series of dreams – reliving the innocence of his childhood. He journeys through a world of stored-up memories, even some painful images without the eccentric paranormal activities of ‘Inception’. He finally sees the light and is greeted by “celestial” beings that look like him. And that is where the sad news enters into the forecast. The man’s lover tries to wake him from his sleep, but to no avail. It’s one of those bittersweet moments where you’re left heartbroken over the outcome, but feel a little bit relieved that he succumbed in peace. The song’s energy and build-ups work well with the visuals, even as lead vocalist Matthew Shultz belts out in his whiny voice: “Even on a cloudy day/I’ll keep my eyes fixed on the sun.” The lyrics prove to be just the perfect remedy to the sob story.