So What’s The Verdict on Michael Jackson’s “Breaking News”?

Posted November 9, 2010 by J Matthew Cobb in News

Is Michael Jackson’s “Breaking News” the real deal or a real fake? The jury is still out on this one.

Sounding like leftovers from the Dangerous project, “Breaking News” made its leap online as it streams for one week via Michael Jackson’s official website ( The new single is just one of the chosen songs made by Sony and Jackson’s estate that will make landfall on the upcoming posthumous project, Michael, in December.

The song will stream for one week at, where the album is available for pre-order. The news of the album release followed last week’s announcement of Cirque du Soleil’s forthcoming show Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour, set to begin in October 2011.


Controversy continues to loom over the song itself as Jackson’s family questions the authenticity of it. On Twitter, TJ Jackson, son of Tito Jackson, spoke up about the song, saying: “Deceptively merging shady vocals with MJ samples (from prior MJ records) will never fool me.” He adds: “I’m disgusted, disappointed and saddened.”

TMZ questioned Latoya Jackson earlier this week about the leaked song. “I listened to it,” she said. “It doesn’t sound like him.”

And some critics are weighing in on the matter, like Jed Gottlieb of the Boston Herald:

“What does ring true are the lyrics. Like “Bad’s” “Leave Me Alone,” it’s an anquished cry for the media to stop obsessing over the troubled star – something Michael never made it easy to do. Referring to himself in the third person, he rants, “Everybody wanting a piece of Michael Jackson … Reporters stalking the moves of Michael Jackson.” It even contains an eerie reference to people wanting to write his “obituary.” But sung in a voice without the character or the sizzle of Jackson’s finished work, “Breaking News” doesn’t quite sound like genuine Jacko.”

Despite the below-the-belt blow from Gottlieb, he gave the song a B- as the song’s official grade.

According to Sony Music Group, they believe wholeheartedly in their product and have researched the aunthencity of the never-released material and believe it to be Michael’s.

So what do you think of “Breaking News”?
Like it or not?
Do you think it’s a fake?
Will you buy the upcoming Michael album?

Sound off in the comments’ section below.

About the Author

J Matthew Cobb

Managing editor of HiFi Magazine


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