Reviews 1.0
Jason Derülo: Jason Derülo
Pumped up to be the hottest kid on the block, Jason Derülo hits all the right notes, does all the right songs but is still missing edge
Jevon D. Brock & Restoration: Urgent Messages
Stirring gospel choir vocals attracts, vocal leads distracts on new project from 11-member ensemble

Leela James: My Soul
Soul power with mix of hip-hop bubbles up on warm new release from sultry diva-in-the-making
Sway Peñala: My Story
American Idol alum kicks out solo offering years since his TV debut, but does his homework on classy urban R&B
Karen Clark-Sheard: All In One
Family affair, more urban twists define latest project from highly-celebrated gospel vocalist
Ke$ha: Animal
Suburban self-proclaimed naughty girl releases debut using prototype Gaga and neo-Black Eyed Peas trademarks